
How to get rid of Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. Bed bugs are reddish-brown in color, wingless, range from 1mm to 7mm (roughly the size of Lincoln’s head on a penny), After feeding, however, their bodies swell and are a reddish color. and can live several months without a blood meal. Bedbugs do not fly, but they can move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. Female bedbugs may lay hundreds of eggs, each of which is about the size of a speck of dust, over a lifetime.
get rid of bed bugs

Signs of Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs can be difficult to identify, as they are small in size, nocturnal, and most active during sleep. How can you tell if you have a bed bug infestation? What should you look for that could indicate that your home or business has been infected?

1. Blood stains on sheets or mattresses

Bed bugs tend to feed at night, when it is dark and quiet. If you notice blood stains on the linen, on your mattress, or on the headboard, it could indicate that there are bed bugs present in the area. These pests can leave behind blood after they bite a host. Bed bug bites may appear as small red welts or bumps on the skin.

2. Shed exoskeletons of bed bugs

As bed bugs grow, they shed their exoskeleton several times throughout their life cycle. The cast-off skins can be found near where the insects have been living. If you notice shed exoskeletons around your mattress or headboard, it could indicate that there are live bed bugs present in the area.

3.  Fecal Spots on Your Sheets

Another sign is the presence of fecal spots on your sheets.

Where Bed Bugs hide?

Bed bugs are tiny, from a quarter of an inch long to the size of an apple seed. So, where do they hide? They can be anywhere in your home, but especially in the bedroom. They like to hide between the cracks and crevices of your mattress or box spring. They can also be found in areas where the fabric is sewn together, making small crevices for them to hide in. Bed bugs also like to nest behind picture frames and electrical outlets.

How are bed bugs treated and prevented?

Bed bugs are tiny insects who burrow into your mattresses, couches, and other household furniture. They’re notoriously difficult to get rid of and can have a really negative impact on your quality of life. If you’ve got bed bugs in your home, you need to call a pest control professional as soon as possible. But before you do that, there are a few things you can try.

One option is to purchase diatomaceous earth online and sprinkle it over the affected surfaces. This will kill the bed bugs that are there and help prevent new ones from showing up—but it won’t get rid of the eggs that hatched the bed bugs. For that, you’ll need to call someone who can come out and treat your home with insecticide.

To prevent future infestations, make sure all your beds are covered with mattress covers and wash all your linens in very hot water (at least 120 degrees) every week. You should also vacuum all your carpets every day and wipe down any hard surfaces in the house with an antibacterial cleanser every day.

If these measures don’t work after a week or so, you’ll want to call a pest control company to come out and take care of the problem for you.